Getting A Multi-Engine Rating

The prospect of flying a multi-engine airplane has always fascinated me. Pursuing this as a career requires obtaining a multi IFR or Group 1 IFR rating. While the flight test exercises are simpler than those for a private pilot's license, muscle memory is crucial due to the complexity and speed of the aircraft. The process includes various challenging exercises, such as managing failed engines and landing with simulated emergencies. If successful, this endeavor will lead to a new rating and the opportunity to continue Multi IFR training.


The first thing you have to realize is that these things happen to me. I don't plan on them, I don't go looking for them. But odd little coincidences, strange inter-connected events, like you'd find in the Twilight Zone, just somehow manage to find me. And these twists of fate often make my life very interesting. Oh, I almost forgot. They usually happen in three's.

Ultralight Flying in Alberta

A pilot shares insights after moving to Alberta, praising the recreational flying scene, including the welcoming atmosphere for ultralights and facilities at small airports. He highlights the favorable flying weather, challenges of winter flying, and precautions for mountain flying. The diverse landscapes, agricultural abundance, and altitude differences from Ontario are also noted.

Sunshine state of mind

The trip to Florida in mid-March covered diverse Air & Space venues, from the Kennedy Space Center to the Florida Air Museum. The journey circled central and southern Florida, encompassing attractions like the Space coast, Key West, and St. Petersburg. Notably, the trip showcased classic aircraft and the historic Space Shuttle Atlantis. Overall, a fantastic and educational vacation.

A Linden Excursion

The airfield near the coulee, unmarked on the map, took Stu Simpson and his friends on a nostalgic flight to Linden. Welcomed with warmth and generosity, they enjoyed a pancake breakfast and participated in the town's festivities. Departing with fond memories, they left Linden where time seemed to stand still.

A Ticket To Adventure

The writer, Stu Simpson, shares his passion for ultralight airplanes, highlighting their affordability and the joy of flying. He reflects on his experiences with different ultralights, from adventurous trips to building his own plane. He particularly loves his current plane, the Green Giant, for its capabilities and the sense of adventure it provides.

A Treasure Map of the Sky

A pilot's log book is a unique record of training, experiences, and memories. It serves as a judgment of flying expertise and treasure trove of past adventures. The log contains detailed flight records, training experiences, and significant milestones, helping the pilot relive cherished memories and lessons learned. Each entry carries the essence of the pilot's journey, forming a personal treasure chest of flying experiences.

A Wild Ride On The Wind

Stu Simpson, the flight lead, encountered unexpected challenges during a flight with his fellow pilots. After enduring a sudden, powerful wind and navigating through a rogue cold front, they ultimately landed safely. Despite the ordeal, Stu maintains it wasn't his fault. He reflects on the experience with a sense of pride and camaraderie.